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Dynamic Prototyping Episode 3

Dynamic Prototyping

· 54:12

Have you ever wondered how to control the Demo Gods?  Well, Steve and Anouck discuss the art of Live customer demonstrations or, in their words, Dynamic Prototyping... sometimes you win, and yes, sometimes you lose.

In Episode 3 of FusionTalk, we look at how to shorten the development cycles and not simply walk through the usual lifecycle ‘delays’ that a formal process can cause because of all the touchpoints.    You know the endless meetings where you demonstrate a change, and the customer or business user suggests another change, so you return to your desk for a week and then show the latest iteration. Surprise, there's another change...

Dynamic Prototyping looks at how you can get live and demo in real-time with the relevant people from the business.  This improves your chances of understanding what they are looking for and maybe removing a few meetings simply by having a great Dev or lower coder who can work and think and work so that the customer can see an idea in reality.

But to get this right, it needs some thought about the people in the room, about understanding the scope and objectives of the work and, of course, limiting yourself to actions and updates that take a few minutes and have a 70% chance of working...

Listen in as Anouck and Steve outline some of the gotchas that can reduce the value of letting the customer see what it looks like.

Creators and Guests

Anouck Fierens
Anouck Fierens
MVP | MCT | 🎙️M365 | Blogger | Book lover
Steve Dalby
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.


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